Monday, August 31, 2015

Many people will walk in and out of your life..But only true
friends will leave footprints in your heart..To handle yourself
you just need to use your head..To handle others you need
to use your heart..Anger is only one letter short of danger..
If someone betrays you once it is their fault..If someone
betrays you more than once it is your fault..Great minds will
discuss ideas..Average minds will discuss events..And small
minds only discuss people..

Letting go... it really is hard to let go of a loved ones who passed, no one can ever forget them because they are in our hearts and minds we can never let go of their memories, we just learned to keep our minds busy with other things but we have no idea that the simplest things, things we do or words we say every day without even notice can remind us of them and that's what hurts the most in that moment you just hate you whole life and that's how I feel today.